Get the most out of your nursery
Decorating a baby’s nursery is among the important and treasured steps that expectant parents take as they prepare to welcome a little one into their lives.
Kitchens are one of the busiest rooms in the home and a room that the whole family uses (even if it is just to raid the fridge!). Design in the most trafficked room in the home can be easily overlooked as your family appear to take over – from numerous notes on the fridge to cluttered counter tops overflowing with mail and homework – it can sometimes feel like your kitchen has lost its purpose.
However giving your home the uplift it needs doesn’t have to mean an entire overhaul or a huge budget. Injecting life into your kitchen needn’t be a long, stressful or expensive job; it is something that can be done in one weekend with a quick trip to your local home ware store and a helping hand from the family.
The first step in injecting life into your kitchen is rearranging and organising your clutter. You need to be able to reclaim the room as a place to cook and eat. Sometimes it is impossible to teach an old dog new tricks – no matter how many times you tell your family, the kitchen counter becomes a dumping ground for mail, letters and permission slips. Purchasing or making a letter or paper organiser can help to get bills paid on time and school trips signed for.
A calendar that is separated into columns for each family member can help the whole family to know everyone’s plans without leaving notes on the fridge. Equally, painting an area of your wall with blackboard paint can help bring a modern twist to your kitchen with a fun, wipe-clean area to leave messages, shopping lists and telephone messages.
Try to remove everything from your kitchen that doesn’t need to be there – organise your spices onto shelves or into cupboards rather than having them clutter counter space, buy matching coffee, tea and sugar pots that go with your current colour theme and try to organise your cupboards to make everything easily accessible.
Colour is key to your interior and if you’re trying to recreate your kitchen on a budget it is one of the easiest ways to go about it.
Painting your window wall with a bright and bold colour can add warmth to your kitchen as well as giving it a modern feel – a block injection of colour isn’t as dramatic as painting a whole room, however an entire room can be changed with just one wall. It is a great way to keep costs down whilst giving your room a vibrant and obvious make over.
Blinds or curtains are also a great, quick way to inject colour into a tired and monotone kitchen – these Venetian Blinds look classy and offer perfect functionality in the kitchen, whilst teaming them with brightly coloured curtains will help to introduce the splashes of colour your home loves.
Another great way to add colour to your kitchen is to purchase a new set of kitchen utensils and accessories to create a theme. Place mats, towels and oven gloves can all be used to create a colour theme within your kitchen without painting anything, whilst utensils with coloured handles, coloured crockery or coloured glasses can also continue this theme.
Nothing injects more life into a room, than life itself. Flowers are an obvious choice for both colour and life in the home, however they are quick to wilt and replacing them can be easily forgotten. Plastic or fabric flowers can make for a great substitute, arrange them in a vase on your windowsill to allow the natural light to pick up the colours.
Another way to add life to the room is to plant living herbs – herbs are an essential part of cooking and eating, especially in Australia. Why not save yourself a few pennies and grow your own in the kitchen – not only will they look great, they’ll taste great too.
With these tips you can brighten up a tired or just generally neglected kitchen décor scheme. For more information please feel free to contact us.